Friday, April 6, 2012

A little selfconfidence is never bad!


 I know, they're not really good but it was sunny today so I tought: "O, maby I could take some pictures!" But then I couldn't find the camera and I messed up the house and then I was tired so I tought, I'll just look to these pictures and they made me happy because I was really proud of myself. And then I went surfing the internet. NEVER surf the internet when your happy! Go outside, play a game, have some fun, but DON'T go on the internet, guz that makes you depressed! But you know, I know there are people in the world that do things better than me, but I don't care. I'm me! So, be proud of who you are! But remember: Alles kan beter! (everything can be better) So don't go waste your time but do something that makes you happy, even though you're not good at it.

Kuzziez Tillie

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