Saturday, May 19, 2012

another lazy summer

With Elle Fanning
By Venetia Scott

smoke away your life

Yesterday I saw the movie 50/50 with Joseph-Gordon Levitt (great movie btw) and when they were at the hospital, there were 2 nurses outside smoking. I don't understand that! They work in a hospital. They, of all people, they know the best what happens to your lungs and your health when you smoke! I'm against smoking (I thing you got that already) I know, sometimes it looks very cool to smoke, guys who smoke look badass and we all know that deep inside we al like badasses, but it isn't cool! It destroys your lungs, your health and you condition (try running when you're an addict) Ofcourse, I dob't know because I've never smoked and I never wil, but you know, you do with your life what you want, but know what you're doing.

View Master

Hipsters love them and it's coming up again so I tought, I'll search mine again. Yes I have one, from when I was a little girl. But I honestly don't know what's so cool about it, but that's probably because mine only has pictures of donald duck and the sleeping beauty. But how can you get other pictures in it? Do they still make those things?

Emma Kelly & We heart it

Friday, May 18, 2012

I'm blown away...

Tadao Cern

Illustration! Liz Clements

Liz Clements

Men with Color

The Sartorialist

Beautiful and Naked

The Naked Truth by Peter Lindbergh. Naked and without make-up in the german Vogue. Sometimes naked is just too much and not a value to a picture but I think that this is so innocent and pure, beautiful.


Yesterday I went to TrixTrax. Trix is a music centre who gives concerts and organise camps and stuff. Yesterday they organsised a free concert of 5 new belgium bands and ofcourse I had to check it out. Great Mountain fire, Tubelight, Sleepers' Reign, Radial Sequence and Sky Castles preformed and I must say I was pretty impressed. Sky Castles was not really my thing but Radial Sequence and Sleepers' Reing were very good. Great Mountain Fire was not thet good but they were so funny and you saw that they liked what they did and that makes you liked it too. A successfull evening.

Supakitch & Koralie


They make beautiful things! Amazing (and good music ofcourse :P)